The best food you can give your baby is breastmilk. Nothing will keep your baby healthy and happy than breastfeeding. In the last few weeks of pregnancy, your body starts to produce colostrum. It is high in carbohydrates and protein but low in fat. It's exceptionally high in antibodies to help keep your baby healthy.

It's the easiest food for your baby to digest, which makes it the perfect food for your baby's first feeding.

Breastfeeding tips:
Nurse your baby as often as your baby desires
Drink 3 - 4 litres of water daily
Take extra zinc
Eat well & healthy to boost your energy
Use relaxation oils
Count your blessings & keep latching!

As you're busy keeping baby healthy, sometimes you forget that you are important too. Which is why we created this pack, Breastfeeding Comfort Pack simply because every breastfeeding mothers need comfort to keep going more than anything else!

Happy Nursing
Happy Nursing $10.90
Happy Nursing
Happy Nursing $10.90
Relax Your Muscles
Relax Your Muscles $40.90
Relax Your Muscles
Relax Your Muscles $40.90
Boob Ease
Boob Ease $15.90
Boob Ease
Boob Ease $15.90
Milk Up Mama
Milk Up Mama $16.90
Milk Up Mama
Milk Up Mama $16.90
Meals On Heels
Meals On Heels $26.90
Meals On Heels
Meals On Heels $26.90
Breastfeeding Comfort Pack
Breastfeeding Comfort Pack $120.00 $128.50
Breastfeeding Comfort Pack
Breastfeeding Comfort Pack $120.00 $128.50